Recycling Around the World

Sweden is known for burning its garbage to create electricity and heat. In fact, the country has run out of garbage! Norway has come to the rescue and is not only giving its garbage to Sweden, but is paying Sweden to burn it for them!

Rome, Italy will fine you 619 Euros (about $833 US Dollars) if you don’t separate recyclables from your trash when you have a recycle bin within 500 meters of your house!

Switzerland charges for the disposal of your trash, which you must throw away in special bags. These bags cost anywhere from $1.50 to $10 each, which provides incentive to the Swiss to recycle as much as they can! Not only that, they have created a landfill ban in which any combustible waste will be incinerated!

Vancouver, Canada has started an initiative to recycle cigarette butts, which is one of the most littered items in the world!

Germany has recycling bins for dead animals!

Japan requires you to pay to have any and all large appliances recycled!

Belgium has a scrap car recycling rate of 91%. They have developed technology to recover certain useful materials from a collection of mixed scraps!

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